The French Haute Route – 2013

The wheels won’t be turning this year on the French alps and I am sad, it will be the first time since the beginning of the French Haute Route that we will not be traversing those familiar high peaks and welcoming the early morning sunshine. Instead we will be taking part in a new adventure:Continue reading “The French Haute Route – 2013”

Cycling around Lake Annecy – France

The white flakes float down from the sky and settle outside layering the ground like ice cream twisting its way into a cone.  Winter has come to the French alps and I find myself reminiscing of when the sky was blue and the sun was radiating warmth. Continuing to keep cycling in the chilly cold andContinue reading “Cycling around Lake Annecy – France”

A Chilly Cycle in France

We assumed we had cycled every exiting road from our village, but surprise, surprise! The other day the Boyfriend discovered a new road to cycle and suggested that I go and explore its winding path as I might enjoy it…   This hidden road could be found only a few minutes from our chalet slinking offContinue reading “A Chilly Cycle in France”

The French Alps on my Bicycle

The tired legs are spinning but the bicycle wheels are barely moving.  The road ahead winds steeply up into the clouds.  As I pant for oxygen my whole body is working like a machine fighting to stay strong. My only lung does not know what has hit it and my chest feels as if itContinue reading “The French Alps on my Bicycle”

The Grand Journey of the Haute Route – 2012

The week is over and already I am missing the early morning rises and watching the sun come over the mountain spires.  The epic cycling journey over 19 massive mythical cols in the French Alps has come to an end. I will miss sitting on the verge of those small twisting roads clapping and cheeringContinue reading “The Grand Journey of the Haute Route – 2012”

Following the Haute Route!

This is my second year of playing supporter in the epic haute route and the endurance of the cyclists never ceases to amaze me. They pedal with passion fighting pain and tears, riding daily over huge mountains to make it to the finish line. Watching them cycle up the mountains is like watching an armyContinue reading “Following the Haute Route!”